Everyday we see people on our roadside, asking for alms. We name label them, beggars. Lets not do so. You know, they could have a heavier bank balance than us. Beware. Have you heard of beggars (sorry…people asking for alms…okay lets call them 'rich beggars') from metropolitan cities like Delhi and Mumbai. Each of them will have hefty wealth. They have changed the concept of begging. Begging has become a good profession now. Our government can not help to eradicate unemployment problem. But begging is a profession which does not require any investment, bribe, or recommendation. It is a very suitable profession which fetches good income with out any labor or pain. This is one business where the turnover is all profit. You will see more beggars in the days ahead. Introspect yourself, have you ever inquired any beggar, the reason for his begging. It sounds silly but is the need of the hour. Until we do it, this will continue and is considered normal sector of the society.
But I was about to speak about the real beggars. The reallll beggars…Most of them emerge out of calamities and natural disasters. We grumble whenever there is heavy rain continuously for two days or when we have to go out shopping round at one in the afternoon. Can we imagine ourselves in a condition, begging for some food or clothing? No wonder this will happen to us at the wink of an eye, if nature is not happy with us. There are people who are physically challenged and are really not capable of doing work. They deserve our sympathy, sympathy in the sense, not allowing to beg them by the roadside and contributing five rupees from our pocket. They should be moved to rehabilitation centers, rather burn in the sun and curse the almighty. We have seen beauty guru's in You Tube channel and televisions, discussing very keenly on their new set of eye shades, lip glosses, hair sprays, nail polishes, new designs of torn dresses entering the market and what not. Make-up caked faces and brightly dressed ladies are always delight to our eyes. But it should never exceed the limit. I know of ladies who buy debts just to purchase make-up stuffs. Please think of the poor and the needy who lost their loved ones and belongings in natural disasters when you fill your wardrobe with stuffs. much more than what is essential. This is my personal opinion and nothing against anyone.
wonder is our birth, as a child, as a parent, as a guide, and finally as a memory
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